Course curriculum

  • 1

    Pre-Delivery Guidance & Support

    • Top Tips for Delivery

    • Session Plans - Full SEAL document

  • 2

    Session 1- Values in Action

    • Teachers intro video

    • Lesson Slides

    • Lesson Slides - PDF version

    • Values Shield Worksheet

    • Values in Action Visualisation

  • 3

    Session 2- Values in Action Pledge

    • Teachers intro video

    • Lesson Slides

    • Visualisation- Values Pledge

  • 4

    Session 3 - Meet The Brain Friends

    • Teachers intro video

    • Lesson Slides

    • Play Doh Brain Template (6 per sheet)

    • Visualisation

  • 5

    Session 4 - The Brainstem: FFF & Dysregulation

    • Teachers intro video

    • Lesson slides with recording

    • FFF Body Map Worksheet

    • Visualisation

    • Lesson Slides

  • 6

    Session 5 - Lenny Lizard & Regulation

    • Teachers intro video

    • Lesson slides with recording

    • Regulation Game

    • Visualisation

    • Lesson Slides - PDF Version

    • Regulation Bingo

  • 7

    Session 6 - Meet Milo Monkey

    • Teachers intro video

    • Lesson slides with video

    • Feelings Chart

    • Copy of Feelings Wheel

    • Copy of FFF Body Map Worksheet

    • Lesson Slides

  • 8

    Session 7- Meet Orla Owl - Dysregulation

    • Teachers intro video

    • Lesson slides with video recording

    • Visualisation

    • Lessons slides

  • 9

    Session 8 - Orla Owl & The Pre Frontal Cortex

    • Teachers intro video

    • Lesson slides

    • Lesson Slides

  • 10

    Session 9 - The Power of The Brain Friends

    • Teachers intro video

    • Lesson slides

  • 11

    Session 10 - Year 5 transition

    • Lesson slides

    • Worksheet

  • 12

    Session 11- Ants & Pets

    • Ants & Pets

  • 13

    Session 12 - Your very own PET

    • Create your PET

    • Ants & Pets - bonus PDF

  • 14

    Session 13 - Feed your P.E.T

    • Lesson slides

    • Feed your P.E.Ts sheet

  • 15

    Session 14 - P.E.Ts Practise

    • Lesson slides

    • PET Food

    • Jar label

  • 16

    Session 15 - The Brain Friends Quiz

    • Student quiz - to print

    • The Brain Friends Quiz